Since I love tea and tea beverages and still do not know all the various kinds of it, I decided to make use of my striving for challenges and create my own personal daily project, called 天天一杯 (tian tian yi bei). Being in Taiwan for the purpose of improving my Chinese here, I decided to name my project in a Chinese way. So, it has four characters and simply means "everyday a cup (of tea)". However, there is actually no point in just drinking the same tea everyday, so I made up some rules, I would like to follow throughout my project:
1) Everyday I try a tea beverage that I haven't tried before
2) As far as it is possible I will drink sugarfree or low sugar tea.
3) I only order the tea as it is mentioned in the menu. (I dropped that rule to a certain degree, since, for example coconut jelly, is only included in one regular drink. You can however add this topping to your tea as you like.)
4) First, I only drink tea at my favorite tea shop. (I dropped that rule when I noticed that the drinks left on my to-do-list where almost identical. And different shops have different teas. That's more fun.)
5) There has to be tea in my beverage. (Due to my still existing lack of Chinese it happened that I already ordered non-tea drinks.)
That blog was started after I already drank 28 daily cups of tea. My original posts on that project are included in my daily blog. Since this is in German only, I decided to create another blog only dedicated to 天天一杯. So, all my posts will be repostet in English. This might lead to some mess at the beginning. But I am sure it will be all sorted out after a while.
You have a suggestion, what to drink next? You know a cool tea store, I should check out next? You have an idea on some additional rules/challenges?
Just let me know, via email or comment. Feel free to contact me anytime.
Happy sipping