Saturday, January 7, 2012

No. 70 Super Popular (超人氣)

Today I had a bubble tea again. But it was not just any bubble tea, but an amazingly good one. I bought it at a store in Gongguan which always has a line in front of it, because so many people know it. The store only uses real milk and no milk powder and they put black sugar over there boba. So, the drink is super sweet but really really tasty. 

tea drink no. 70: Super Popular (超人氣)
price: NTW $30 (medium) ~ 0,90€
rating: amazing

No. 69 Winter Melon Lemon (冬瓜檸檬)

Sorry, for not posting for such a long time. My one and only reason is, that I was just tired of having to try new stuff every day. Since I almost tried all teas around school, I just wanted to get back to my favorites and drink those. I had a great time doing that. And I actually started drinking more juice drinks, so some of my new discoveries don't even have tea in them. Just like this one. But it was just so amazing that I have to mention it here. Since it has been raining for a week and it has been freaking cold as well, I needed  a drink to warm me up. Since milk tea is one of my favorites I usually opt for a milk tea, but recently I try to find other great winter options and I found this combination of winter melon tea with lemon. 

tea drink no. 68: Winter Melon Lemon (冬瓜檸檬)
price: NTW $50 (large) ~ 1,10€
rating: amazing